
Team 16

15U Division 3

I know every coach will think it, but I hands down had the best team for 2020! An amazing season with an incredible bunch of players. Who would have thought this year would be so unpredictable, I am so proud of how well you all adapted to the changes that were made to finally get our season underway.
Diving head first into game 1, we had a few things to improve on, but ultimately you all played like you had been a team for years. It was great to finally have our full team available for game 6, even if we only managed 4 games with our full team of 10 for the season. You all gave 100% in each game and that was definitely evident in the Grand Final. Nerves hit us hard in the middle of the game, but you pulled out an amazing final quarter and pushed through until that final whistle.
Grand Final celebration video
Our amazing manager Jackie - thank you for being my right hand! You always made sure everything was running smoothly and I definitely couldn’t have done this season without you.
Our wonderful parents! Thank you for co-operating with the restrictions that we had. Your support for us all this season has been incredible. I am so grateful that you were all part of the team this year.
Finally, my girls – you have made me feel every possible emotion this year but I have loved every single minute of coaching you. If you take one thing away from this season let it be; always be the bin chicken!
I am so incredibly proud of how much you have all grown. You are a special bunch of young ladies; you hold so much talent and potential and I can not wait to see what you can all achieve.
Congratulations on an amazing season!
By Aimee Armstrong